Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue
Origin and Ideas
The tradition of the bride wearing or carrying something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue at the marriage ceremony is one of the most popular of wedding traditions. What does each type of item represent, and what would be a good choice to wear or carry? Piglette brings you the origin of each type and some great ideas right here.
Something borrowed
borrowed symbolizes friendship and the fact that the bride has friends
and family who can be relied upon. The borrowed item should
from a happily married female friend or relative. It is
that this person's happiness in marriage will bring goood luck for
similar wedded bliss to the bride.
Usually an item of jewelry
a handkerchief is chosen. The item should be returned to the
lender after the wedding ceremony is over.
custom of Something Blue originated in Ancient Israel, where the bride
would use a blue bow in her hair to represent fidelity. In
England it is said that those who wear blue have true love.
wearing of something blue therefore symbolizes loyalty. It is
usually the garter. The blue lace garter was considered to be
symbol of virginity during the American Civil War.
Old is used to denote the sense of continuity
in life..
Family bonds, friends, customs, habits and ways of
life continue to be essentially the same, and just
adapt themselves. The obect chosen symbolizes what
is left
behind. Usually it is a piece of family jewelry.
New represents the hope of an ideal future. The new item
represents a change and the renovation of the spirit. It symbolizes the
new life that is about the begin. Usually it is the wedding
dress, underwear, a bouquet of flowers or an item of jewelry.

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