Order and Tradition of The Church Wedding Ceremony

The wedding car, decorated with floral arrangements, collects the bride, who is accompanied by her father or godfather. The groom arrives separately, accompanied by his mother or godmother. First to arrive at the church must be the groom his mother. They should wait for the bride at the church altar(rather than waiting for outside the church which many people seem to do today). The same applies to the guests, who must all wait for the bride inside the church.
Church wedding Ceremony.
A Church Wedding Ceremony in Brazil.
Picture by Afonso Lima
The Bride's Entrance
The bride arrives at the church, accompanied by her father, and enters the church at the sound of the wedding march or other music chosen for the entrance. If there are bridesmaids, paiges or children accompanying her, they enter behind the bride, being careful not to tread on the tail of the dress (which is quite a  frequent accident). The father of the bride offers his left arm, except in cases where a military saber is hung on the left side, in which case the right arm is offered.
Once the bride has arrived at the altar the positioning from left to right. looking toward the altar is as follows: the groom's mother, the bride, the groom and the bride's father. The witnesses of each are positioned on the corresponding side (if are on behalf of the bride they are positioned to the left and if they are the groom's witnesses they go to the right). It is a tradition that the relatives and guests at church are seated in pews on their corresponding side, ie the relatives of the bride on the left and those of the groom on the right (although it is a practice little carried out). Usually one leaves this type of positioning for very formal weddings.
The Wedding Ceremony
In very formal weddings, the bride's father and the groom's mother may be located to one side of the altar, instead of next to the bride and groom. During the ceremony the priest asks for the rings to be placed on the left ring finger, this being the third finger by counting the finger after the thumb as the first. Both the rings and the 13 wedding coins, or Arras are given in the following order: husband to wife and then wife to husband.  

When it comes to the rings, either they are both held by the best man, or alternatively the best man holds the bride's ring and the maid of honor holds the groom's ring until they are required in the actual ceremony.  Often a small child under 11 will act as the "ring bearer" but this is nearly always by name only - the actual rings will still be held by the adults for safekeeping.
The Arras or 13 Wedding Coins
The Arras are 13 coins which are particularly used in Hispanic wedding ceremonies.  The delivery of the coins symbolizes the interchange of the goods that both spouses are going to share. But also, there are other theories. One of them says that the Arrras are given by the groom as a reward for the virginity of his bride. Others relate it to the custom of  the marriage dowry that was contributed to the marriage. A widespread  custom is that, instead of  buying  the 13 coins, the groom's mother gives them or they are passed down the line from parents to children as a family tradition.  The 13 coins are held by the groom's mother before being given to the bride.
Leaving the Church
After the marriage ceremony has been completed and the couple have been pronounced man and wife, the order of walking back down the aisle is firstly the married couple arm in arm, followed by the bride's father and groom's mother and the bridesmaids and paiges. At the exit of the church, the bride and groom can wait to greet the guests and family. When the bride and groom actually leave the church, the inevitable tradition of wedding rice rains down (although in some cases flower petals or other customs are employed). If during the wedding, the services of a stills photographer or video photographer is employed, they should be as  discreet as possible, and ensure that they do not make any noise or hassle  during any part of the proceedings. After being rained upon by the rice or rose petals, the new spouses exit  together in the wedding car, probably clanking along the way wth the cans dangling behind.

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