Culinary Herb Gardening
Planting and Harvesting your Herbs

On the previous page we read about the different types of culinary herbs. Here we look at planting and harvesting your herb garden.

When planting your herbs you will want all your tallest plants to be in the back and the shorter ones in the front of your garden. Space them out and if you have to take any in during the winter make sure they are easy to reach and dig out without damaging any surrounding plants. You also have the option of putting everything in containers that way any that need to be taken indoors during the winter are easily transplanted and you can easily rearrange them and move them around.

You may only want to plant a few herbs at first, mainly the ones that you know you will use. Some of the smaller herbs like chives, basil, parsley, rosemary, sage and thyme can easily be grown in window boxes or small container gardens. Hanging baskets are another option if you just want a small culinary herb garden. Herbs that do well in hanging baskets are basil, marjoram, sage and thyme. It is easiest to grow herbs together in containers or baskets that require the same type of care. Most prefer well drained soil and are draught resistant so they do not need a lot of water.

Some herbs can be continually harvested while others are best to harvest at peak time right before they flower. Some herbs can be used fresh others you will want to dry. Bunches of herbs can be dried by hanging them in a dry place out of the sunlight. Store dried herbs in airtight containers and kept in the dark. It is best to store herbs in a cupboard or put them in dark containers that you can not see through.

With minimal effort and care you can have a culinary herb garden. Imagine bragging to guests that you made culinary dishes prepared with herbs grown in your own garden

Discover more about Herb Gardening and find out what Herbs are.

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