comes but once a
year, and what could be a more festive and personalized way to
celebrate with your
family than making a hand painted Easter Egg Tree? An Easter
Tradition borrowed
from the Germans, this fun, inexpensive family project will make a
welcome addition to your Easter Decor.
Hand Painted Easter Eggs will
personalize this special holiday
by rykerstribe
by preparing the
eggs for decoration. To do this, you will need eggs, a large needle
and a bowl. Carefully pierce each end of the egg with the needle. Use
the needle to make the hole at the smaller part of the egg a little
larger. Press the needle far into the egg’s cavity in order to
break the yolk inside.
An Easter Egg Tree in the Snow
by unukorno
that you have made
the holes, place the egg over the bowl and have the large hole
towards the bowl. Gently blow through the other hole you created,
allowing the egg’s contents to go into the bowl. Once all the white
and yolk have been removed, gently rinse the emptied shell with cold
water. Allow the eggs to dry completely before you begin to decorate.
the eggs are dry,
let the fun begin! From here, you can embellish the eggs any way you
wish. You can dye the eggs with food coloring (3/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon
vinegar and ¼ teaspoon of food coloring), use acrylic paint,
glitter and glue,
the possibilities are endless! You can use spray varnish or clear
nail polish to protect your creations. Why not let each member of
your family personalize their own egg so you will have a “family”
collection – a nice memento to keep for years.
that you have your
decorated jewels ready to display, get them ready for hanging on a tree
or another suitable plant. Select
thin ribbon in a color that complements your decor. Make a large
knot or bow at the end of a 12 inch piece of ribbon. Using a large
upholstery needly, carefully thread the ribbon through the egg. The
egg will rest on the bow.
Hang you eggs on a
topiary or small indoor houseplant. Or, you can make your own
centerpiece using branches anchored to floral foam inside of a
flowerpot. If you have a tree or a twiggy bush in your garden, you can
hang some of your decorated eggs outdoors to give an easter feel to the
exterior of your home too. If you take care of the eggs after easter is
over, they
should last you for years to come!
